Episode 78

"The most important thing to remember is that since you are not the only one, there is a path out of debt but your pathway may look different than the person in front of you."



To listen to Ayana's last appearance on the podcast, tap or click HERE

Check out Ayana's website and follow her on IG: @millennialmoney.guide 

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Sound credits: Levels by Yung Kartz ($HMONEY theme song - intro/outro music)

Edited and produced by Anastasia Barbuzzi, founder and creative director of $HMONEY ($HMONEY Radio).

Episode Summary

Web designer by trade, millennial finance expert by choice, Ayana started the @millennialmoney.guide as a newsletter after her passion for personal finance spurred her to create a list of topics that she felt young people needed to know about. Fast forward to today and she’s a full-on $HMONEY coach, teaching millennial women and couples to get “unstuck” so they can ditch debt, save more, and win together.

On today’s episode of $HMONEY Radio we discuss ditching debt while building streams of income, what drags us into the debt spiral in the first place, lifestyle creep, the emotional aspects of debt, borrowing money, and making sacrifices.

Also available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Castro, Castbox, Podfriend, Pocket Casts & Stitcher.

Anita Cheung