Episode 90

"Broke is a state of being, poor is a mindset."



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Sound credits: Levels by Yung Kartz ($HMONEY theme song - intro/outro music)

Edited and produced by Anastasia Barbuzzi, founder and creative director of $HMONEY ($HMONEY Radio).

Episode Summary

Growing up in Baltimore City, Anthony Weaver's family sometimes struggled to make ends meet. Then, as an adult, he broke off a relationship that put an even more significant strain on his finances, forcing him to rebuild completely. Fast forward a few years, and Anthony is now the host and creator of About That Wallet, a finance platform and podcast that provides actionable strategies and futuristic ideas to help you build strong financial habits.

In today's episode, we reflect on his time living below the poverty line, how he improved his severely damaged credit score, beat surrendering to a lack-based mindset, and much more.

Also available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Castro, Castbox, Podfriend, Pocket Casts & Stitcher.

Anita Cheung