7 Mindful Ways to Shift Your Relationship With Money w/ Anastasia on YogiApproved!
7 Mindful Ways to Shift Your Relationship With Money w/ Anastasia on YogiApproved!
05.15.2021 - This article was featured on YogiApproved. Read on to learn more about $HMONEY and how to “shift the dynamic” once and for all.
Pre-pandemic, 52% of millennial women were already pointing to money issues as the most stressful thing in their lives.
Despite it being the least mentioned type of negative experience for Americans, more than one-in-five have mentioned economic difficulties resulting from the pandemic. In contrast, nearly 40% of Canadians are worrying more about their finances since COVID-19 began.
According to Scotiabank Economics’ commentary on the impact the recession has had on women, 42% reported worrying more than men (35%) about their finances for reasons such as having to drop out of the labor force due to lack of access to childcare.
While vaccines begin to make their way across both countries, we’re bound to see people from all groups grapple with their relationship with money more than ever before. All this, and still, nobody talks about their finances.
Your Relationship With Money: Here’s Why Financial Literacy Is Important
Discussing the topic of financial literacy became a passion of mine after a life-threatening car accident kept me away from work for nearly a year.
During my time in recovery (which has been an ongoing process), I realized how silly it was that money was still considered a “touchy” subject and how that belief holds so many people back from getting the help they need.
I was also forced to face my own attitudes toward money, the barriers I had, and the difficulty that comes with being honest about negative personal financial situations. My research helped me confirm that money is an unbelievably taboo topic to discuss freely, particularly for women.
But for anyone struggling with their relationship with money, especially during the pandemic, there’s a few things you can do to shift the dynamic once and for all.
Unsurprisingly, a lot of it has to do with your mindset, and thanks to the lessons I’ve learned from the guests on my podcast, $HMONEY Radio, I’m able to provide you with a few tips for making positive change.
…To read the full article originally published on YopiApproved, tap or click here!
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