Why Is Everyone Talking About This Clutter Quiz?
Why Is Everyone Talking About This Clutter Quiz?
02.04.2022 - By: Anastasia Barbuzzi
Reading the title of this post, you might be thinking: what does clutter have to do with personal finance or financial literacy? The short answer to that question is a lot more than you think.
According to episode 39’s guest, finance expert and author Shari Greco Reiches, clutter is not only a time waster, it’s costly in other ways too. In Shari’s book, Maximize Your Return on Life, she dedicates an entire chapter to clutter. Before featuring her very own clutter quiz she explains that…
Clutter can increase stress levels and overwhelm your senses. Clutter is also a reminder that there is constant work that needs to be done.
Clutter can cost you money. If you’ve ever paid late fees because your bills were hidden under a pile of papers, you know this all too well.
So if you’re looking to turn things around this year and take spring cleaning to a whole new level, take Shari’s clutter quiz below.
The Maximize Your Return on Life Clutter Quiz
In Shari’s words, “Give yourself one point for each yes—and be honest!”.
Have you ever bought something you already owned because you couldn’t find the original item?
Do you spend several minutes each day looking for something?
Do you have a junk drawer in your kitchen that is completely full?
Do you own extra towels, blankets, and sheets that don’t match because “someone will want them someday?”
Do you have expired medications laying around?
Do you own old appliances that you never use, such as a bread machine or a frozen margarita maker?
Do you have a pile of mail, magazines, and newspapers that you were “eventually going to read through”?
Do you have trouble figuring out what to wear even though your closet is full of clothes?
Do you rent a storage unit?
Is your fridge full of cartons of the same stuff, all with different expiry dates?
Do you park your car outside since you can’t fit it in the garage?
Do things fall out of your cupboards when you open them?
Do you have more than 100 unopened messages in your email inbox?
Do you have a coffee mug for each day of the month?
Do you own unused gift cards that have expired?
Have you been late paying bills because you misplaced them?
Have you ever discovered that something you loved was ruined because it wasn’t stored properly?
Does clutter cause you stress?
[Scroll to reveal your score!]
How Do You Tally Up the Results of the Clutter Quiz?
Now that you’re done the quiz, it’s time to add up your score. Here are Shari’s thoughts on your total:
0 points - We’ll cover your lying and its harmful effects on relationships in the future.
1-2 points - You could write this chapter!
3-5 points - You are on your way, but could use some strategies to declutter.
6-19 points - You need some help. Refer to Maximize Your Return on Life.
20+ points - Reality TV is looking for you.
If you accumulated a handful of points, that’s great! Seems like life is nice and tidy.
If your points added up quicker than you could count, take a read through Shari’s additional strategies for getting rid of clutter.
How to Delete Digital Clutter
Our devices are so much apart of our lives, it only makes sense that truly decluttering requires deleting digital clutter as well. Here are Shari’s pointers from her clutter quiz:
Delete emails you no longer need, especially emails over 30 days old.
Find dedicated time to check your email—not every 5 minutes.
Respond to emails that take less than a few minutes to reply. Flag emails that will take some time to respond, or move them to a separate folder.
Unsubscribe from (or send to the spam folder) junk emails that you do not wish to receive.
Get rid of icons you never use on your desktop/laptop.
Once a month, go through all your apps, pictures, music, and notes on your smartphone and delete the ones you’re not using.
Make digital albums of your favourite photos and delete the ones that have no purpose.
Delete games off your phone—do you really need to reach your all-time high score?
Use a password app to keep track of all your log-ins.
Purge all the digital devices you no longer use such as cameras, thumb drives, cell phones, and hard drives.
What Are the 4 Types of Clutter Bugs?
Turns out, everyone has a different organizational style. The following information (informed by crafting furniture and accessories brand Create Room) could be helpful when attempting to clear clutter from your life.
Ladybugs: Though beautiful on the outside, ladybugs struggle to not be messy on the inside. They’re easily stressed out by surface clutter so they hide messes in junk drawers.
Bees: Love having unfinished projects on display and typically have several going on simultaneously. These projects are often left out with the belief that they’ll be back to finish them. Bees also really like holding onto stuff that may have a future benefit.
Crickets: Apparently, crickets are the perfectionists and micromanagers of the clutter bug world. They often don't have time to perfectly organize so sometimes they end up not organizing at all. They prefer minimal clutter.
Butterflies: The most visual of the bunch. If something is out of sight, it is out of mind. Butterflies love to have quick and easy access to the things they love the most. They are the furthest from detail-oriented.
…So, what type of clutter bug are you?
Final Thoughts on the Clutter Quiz
Deleting digital clutter and material clutter basically frees up mental clutter. Being clutter-free will make you more efficient and save you time each day, not to mention a few bucks to a few hundred dollars. This spring, join me in getting acquainted with your inner clutter bug. Let’s get to cleaning!
Have questions about the clutter quiz? Leave them in the comments below! Would also love to hear your clutter quiz score.
To hear more about how to Maximize Your Life from Shari, listen to EP. 39 .
Whether your goal is tackling debt, improving your credit score, or finally nailing a consistent budget, these tools and resources are here to help make it happen.