The Perfect Monday (or Any Day) Reset Routine
The Perfect Monday (or Any Day) Reset Routine
10.15.2023 - By: Anastasia Barbuzzi
I’ve started a new routine that prepares me for the week ahead, keeps me organized, and reduces so much anxiety about getting ‘life things’ done in addition to work. I’m calling it my Monday reset, and because it’s helped me hone my habits, I wanted to share it with you in hopes that it will help you, too.
If you didn’t know, that’s the basis for the Hone Your Habits (HYH) series on $HMONEY Radio. In these bite-sized episodes, I provide tips, tricks, and mindset shifts to help improve your financial literacy and money habits to live a healthier, happier lifestyle. This Monday (or any day) reset is one of them.
Life is hectic, and I don’t know about you, but I’ve also got a new to-do, whether it be work or life-related, and balancing that along with the other tasks I need to get done in a day can be a little stressful.
When things are extra busy, tackling that one last task (like putting away the laundry or running to the cleaners) can be exhausting, or it keeps getting pushed to the next day… And the next day.
Because I’m a list-maker, my notebook often gets a bit overwhelming, so I’m always looking for ways to refresh and refine my approach and outlook. Plus, I get off on checking things off my list (that’s my Type A side coming out). It makes me feel accomplished.
So, anything that can help me streamline it all and reduce anxiety is worth a try. Not to mention anything that will help me enjoy my days and work even more and give me more time to myself.
That’s all a long-winded way of saying that I needed a new way to maximize my productivity yet feel fulfilled and relaxed simultaneously. Then, I unconsciously performed my first Monday reset and started doing it weekly, and I haven’t looked back.
Why Mondays?
Mondays can be tough, especially coming off an extra lazy Sunday. I don’t dread Mondays, but they often become a catch-up day with lots of communication. Emails, Slack, calendars… The new week is starting, and they’re all grabbing my attention when, maybe, I just want to enjoy my coffee and go back to the radio silence of the weekend.
But, my husband is a teacher and is gone every day from early morning to early evening, by no fault of his own. That’s what his job requires. But it also means I take on many household tasks and chores during the week.
Sometimes, we enjoy running errands or doing a grocery haul together (as two foodies, it’s like a date for us), but when the school year starts and he’s coaching sports, we don’t get to as often.
In any event, I like to take a couple of things off his plate where I can because my schedule allows for it. Instead of making little grocery store runs at 8:00 p.m. or running out of something at an inopportune time, I like to set us up for the week to enjoy the time we have at home together. When we’re home, comfortable, and have everything we need, we don’t need to worry about anything else.
Overall, I do my reset routine to benefit both of us and start my week on the right foot.
If this is relevant to your situation or you just like the idea of a weekly reset, keep reading.
The Routine
Morning Walk - I like to start my day with exercise regardless, but a daily morning walk became a mainstay for me during COVID. Working from home, I’m by myself a lot at my computer and have to make a point of getting out of the house, so more than anything, a daily walk benefits my mental health. I pop in my earphones and play a podcast; more recently, I’ve been bringing my coffee along.
It’s so calming and a way to keep myself from going right into work in the morning. It sets the tone. It gives me time to think freely. The fresh air and early-morning steps are crucial for me. I get some miles in, and it’s like a meditation. Plus, there are countless benefits to fresh air and sun exposure first thing in the morning.
Errand Prep - I grab my grocery list I updated the day before and add any other errands I have to do. (Writing things down helps me remember them! I’m constantly writing myself reminders.) I pack up my reusable grocery and produce bags and anything else I need while out. I ensure I freshen up, feel comfy, and head out the door.
Errands - I head to my favourite markets and stores and tack on trips to other places I need to go, like the cleaners or the hardware store. I always keep these tips for grocery shopping on a budget in my back pocket and $HMONEY's $uper Savvy Shopping List.
While I’m out, I’ll usually pick up some flowers for the house (totally optional but one of my simple pleasures) and coffee beans for the week from one of our favourite cafes. I’ll often treat myself to a takeout cappuccino or a second drip coffee at this time. Starting the week with a little delicacy is so fun. And hey, I’m buying the beans anyway 😉
Unload + Organize - I clean up the fridge, unpack everything, and put it away once I get home. Having just done groceries, I make myself something nourishing at this time. I don’t need to buy lunch when I filled the fridge with so many amazing things! Having everything neat and tidy also helps set the tone for a chaotic week.
Get situated - Once I’m settled, I get cozy somewhere around the house (usually my office) and get caught up on emails, messages, check the news, and analyze my calendar. I confirm any events, meetings, outings, and get-togethers for the week and tend to move things around with ample time so that everything flows well and looking at my schedule doesn’t stress me out.
“Getting situated” is also an excellent opportunity to reach out to friends and check in. You can discover a bunch of different ways to invest in friendships here.
Finance check-in - I check out what’s going on in my accounts! If I used a credit card to pay for anything while I was out, I’d pay it off. If bills need to be paid or I can add more money to savings, I’ll move some money around. If any e-statements come through, I’ll mark down their due date in my calendar with a reminder.
This weekly check-in is a great reminder of where I’m at. It’s like a wellness check on my finances and can be good motivation for the week ahead.
The Final Word
The best feeling is that your day has been well-spent and fulfilling, and getting this reset routine done in the first half of the day is even better! It does not have to take up your entire day.
Also, give yourself enough time to complete your reset routine without stressing about getting to work.
Remember, you don’t need to dedicate Monday to this reset routine. I realize my flexible WFH schedule doesn’t reflect everyone else’s, so pick a day that works best for you. (But if you can make Mondays work, I guarantee you’ll become a Monday person with this reset!)
Thoughts? Questions? Leave them in the comments below!
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