Top 10 Female Finfluencers to Follow (2023)
Top 10 Female Finfluencers to Follow (2023)
05.05.2023 - By: Anastasia Barbuzzi
There’s a small but growing number of people beginning to discuss money online. Like any other industry, there are only a handful of people worthwhile to follow (in my opinion), including the top 10 female finfluencers on my list.
The term “finfluencer” is being used to describe people who create content centred around personal finance online. Money is an even more taboo topic amongst women than men, and we need credible female voices in this space.
As usual, I’ve researched this area to bring you the most reliable sources and interesting opinions. Anyone can give you money advice, but it’s all about who you choose to listen to and take it from.
My favourite women finfluencers on the interwebs are educated, trustworthy, outspoken, and feminist. They offer incredible free resources, provide accurate information and safe spaces to converse, and are genuinely interested in helping you learn, become financially independent, and engage within their communities. Not to mention, normalize talking about money.
If you’re setting out on a journey to improve your financial situation and relationship with money, these are the best women finfluencers to follow (in no particular order).
Bridget Casey (@bridgiecasey)
Platform: Money After Graduation, Money Feels
Follow for: No B.S. financial advice, hot takes, and conversations about everything from generational wealth to living your best #richlife.
Reni Odetoyinbo (xoreni)
Platform: Reni, the Resource
Follow for: Helpful personal finance, travel, and career content.
Alyssa Davies (@mixedupmoney)
Platforms: Mixed Up Money, Money Feels
Follow for: A thoughtful approach to healing money trauma, getting in your #moneyfeels.
Katie Gatti Tassin (@moneywithkatie)
Platform: Money with Katie
Follow for: Relatable, shame-free finance content, market trends, and investment coverage.
Stefanie O’Connell Rodriguez (@stefanieoconnell)
Platform: Money Confidential, Too Ambitious
Follow for: Investigative pieces on money, gender, equality, and ambition.
Tori Dunlap (@torikdunlap)
Platform: Her First $100k
Follow for: Spicy commentary on the patriarchy and wealth-building.
Chelsea Fagan (@faganchelsea)
Platform: The Financial Diet
Follow for: Jargon and judgment-free financial advice, fun saving challenges, and discussions about money, society, and culture.
Farnoosh Torabi (@farnooshtorabi)
Platform: So Money
Follow for: Deep conversations about money failures, habits, and financial perspectives with everyone from experts to entrepreneurs.
Dasha Kennedy (@thebrokeblackgirl)
Platform: The Broke Black Girl
Follow for: Financial activism promoting equity, education, and independence for women.
Who are your favourite female finfluencers to follow? Drop them in the comments below!
Whether your goal is tackling debt, improving your credit score, or finally nailing a consistent budget, these tools and resources are here to help make it happen.