We've all attempted to cure something with retail or another type of therapy. Luckily, practicing self-compassion can ultimately decrease impulse buying tendencies. Read this post for ways to accomplish just that.
It’s the key to myth-busting social standards and achieving your rich life. It's powerful, potentially life-changing, and prevents comparison from stealing your joy: exercising discernment.
We're here to support you in comfortably and confidently loud budgeting, so let's enter this new era together 🤓💚
Get the skinny on the 2024 savings challenge and what makes it accessible and achievable for everyone.
The ultimate resource for inquiring minds looking to work on their personal finances, money mindset, and bettering their financial literacy and education.
It was a great pleasure to be a guest on Thinking About with Kirsti McNabney. Learn more about the episode!
I recently had Erin B. Haag, a serial entrepreneur, mom, author, and creator of Pricing Overhaul, on the podcast. Here are some tidbits from our chat about how the stereotype that women are not as good with numbers is perpetuated.
Presenting, The Gap Report for 2023. Details on the current gender pay gap, ask gap, and reality gap, plus ideas about progressing.
Claire Wasserman is the founder and author of Ladies Get Paid. I asked Claire about her top 3 tips for advocating and negotiating for yourself at work, and here they are!
I went into detail about each show on this episode of $HMONEY Radio, but if you’re looking to click-n-go, check out this blog post.
If you’re wondering how we got suckered into this way of thinking and how we can snap out of it, read this post for the answers.
The moment that confronted me with my ego and led me to a bunch of realizations about pride, personal finance, and more.
Get to the root of your issues with money by coming face-to-face with your math trauma in this exclusive interview with Vanessa Vakharia, a.k.a The Math Guru.
The following ‘thought bubble’ is from my weekly newsletter, The #SundayScroll ☕. Subscribe to receive this thoughtfully curated newsletter that’s full of personal musings every Sunday!
Minori beauty founder and podcast guest Anastasia Bezrukova advises on “perfect reads for those who are going through a Marie Kondo withdrawal.” FYI: minimalism can save you $$$.
Minori beauty founder and podcast guest Anastasia Bezrukova gives you all the details on her minimalism practice + more. FYI: minimalism can save you $$$.
The following ‘thought bubble’ is from my weekly newsletter, The #SundayScroll ☕. Subscribe to receive this thoughtfully curated newsletter that’s full of personal musings every Sunday!
Frustrated over wishing and hoping for things that haven’t appeared in your life? Here’s a little secret: you’re manifesting wrong. Read this post to discover what you’re missing.
Do you find yourself procrastinating? Does it affect your productivity to the point where you’re ready to do something about it? Read this blog post. Once you learn how to eat the frog, you won’t start your day in any other way.
Whether your goal is tackling debt, improving your credit score, or finally nailing a consistent budget, these tools and resources are here to help make it happen.